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Relationship Resources

Arguing in a Relationship

Even when you win... you lose! It’s in our nature to want to win. When selfishness takes over, we’ll do whatever it takes, say things just to hurt and harm, and spin or twist the truth into something unrecognizable just to come out on top. A huge percentage of relationships today suffer from the WIN/LOSE approach to communication. A partner…
February 3, 2023
Resilience Resources

Resilience Against Debilitating Change

Resilience is the capacity to prepare for, recover from, and adapt to change, challenge, or adversity. What is your capacity to absorb the pain of loss before you become dysfunctional? What resources are available that you might not be using to create energy to move forward?Why do some retreat and others move forward? Resilience is based on two things... A…
February 3, 2023
Grief Resources

Life: Running Toward or Running Away?

The two primary motivations in life are fear and love. We make decisions and practice relationships based on either running away from or running toward challenges we face. What we find helpful are very specific and practical ways to differentiate between reactions of fear and love, in order that our thoughts, feelings and behaviors will be less fear-based and more…
February 3, 2023
Resilience Resources

Qualities of Resilient People

Why do some people rise above adversity and excel under pressure, and others doubt themselves, or crater in pain? What separates them is attitude. Resilient people meet adversity head-on and bounce back from difficulty. Drawing on decades of research, scientific analysis, interviews with nearly 1000 highly resilient people working in unusually stressful professions, this book pinpoints the traits that define…
February 3, 2023
Relationship Resources

Recovering from Past Painful Experiences

Low self-esteem can be deeply rooted, with origins in traumatic childhood experiences such as prolonged separation from parent figures, neglect, or emotional, physical, or sexual abuse. In later life, self-esteem can be undermined by ill health, negative life events such as losing a job or getting divorced, deficient or frustrating relationships, and a general sense of lack of control. This…
February 3, 2023
Grief Resources

A Healing Formula

You’ve probably heard the story of the man who went to the doctor and rotating his arm at the elbow said, “Doc, it hurts when I do this...” The doctor glanced at him quickly and said, “Then I suggest you don’t do that!” Professionals will tell you there is no simple or quick fix to healing from the pain of…
February 3, 2023